Health Hub: Benefits Of Minimally Invasive Surgery

Advancing medicine using the most innovative surgical procedures is at the heart of AdventHealth’s surgical programs. Find out more!
Advancing medicine using the most innovative surgical procedures is at the heart of AdventHealth’s surgical programs. In fact, some of the cutting-edge techniques we use — and develop — involve no cutting whatsoever.
While not every case is eligible for minimally invasive surgery, many surgeries once performed “the old-fashioned way,” with open incisions requiring lengthy recovery time and considerable pain can now be done using minimally invasive robotic and laparoscopic procedures. Both have benefits of smaller incisions — less than one inch! – and result in minimal side effects, reduced healing time, less scarring, and more precise surgery. 

For routine and complex cases

Robotic surgery using the da Vinci® surgical system has revolutionized complex surgery for many cancers, including prostate, gynecologic (ovarian, uterine and vulvar), stomach,
pancreas, liver and colon. Minimally invasive techniques allows us to perform major surgeries through small incisions. Using the robot allows surgeons much more precision and
control in their movements and highly enhanced visualization during procedures. As a result, patients have faster recoveries, reduced risk of infection and reduced trauma to the body during a medically fragile time of their lives.
Minimally invasive and laparoscopic techniques make it possible to address the wellbeing of the whole patient. It’s not enough to perform a procedure– a patient’s comfortable recovery and return to health is an essential part of the surgical plan. AdventHealth’s esteemed surgical experts blend world-class surgical technology with leading-edge care and award-winning hospitals. 
Categories: Metropoly