Health Hub: Robotic-Assisted Spine Surgery

When back pain is almost as common as a cold, feel confident in finding the right option for you!

Robotic-Assisted Spine Surgery

The High-Tech Solution for Back Pain
We live in a world where back pain is almost as common as getting a cold. In fact, according to the National Institute of Health, about eight in 10 people will suffer from back pain at some point in their lives. The surgical treatment options for back pain have evolved greatly in the past 20 years, to the point where investments in innovation and technology allowed the emergence of robotics in spine surgery. Today, we are fortunate to have robotic technology designed to enhance the safety and accuracy of minimally invasive spine surgery. Among the benefits of choosing robotic-assisted spine surgery, you can find:
• Faster recovery
• Better accuracy
• Reduced risk of infection
• Reduced muscle damage
• Reduced blood loss
• Less exposure to radiation
The robot works in a similar way to the GPS we use in our cars – the surgeon uses it before and during surgery to create a map with your body images to plan his or her surgical maneuvers, based on your unique anatomy. Once a plan of action is made, the surgeon uses the robotic arm to place surgical screws with the highest accuracy possible. 
It’s important to highlight that not all spinal conditions require surgery. There are many other treatment options including physical therapy and steroid injections. However, in cases where surgery is necessary, new, cutting-edge technologies are available. AdventHealth is the first in Florida to have the brand new Mazor X Stealth robot for spine surgery.
Chetan K. Patel, MD, specializes in minimally invasive spine surgery and is the Medical Director of AdventHealth Spine Health in Altamonte Springs. Dr. Patel is a nationally recognized authority on minimally invasive surgical techniques.
To schedule an appointment, visit, or call 407-303-5452.
Categories: Metropoly